Live Well

Sugar Detox

Now that we are thoroughly sugared up from Valentine’s Day, it is time to come back down. I will admit, I am the worst. I love chocolate more than… well let’s just say, I live on coffee and chocolate and often forget to eat real food.

Here is the problem, after a sugar overload we can all feel pretty gross, however, we can’t seem to stop eating the chocolate! Did you know that sugar addiction is a thing?!?

The fix? A sugar detox.
This is crazy simple but the struggle is real. Here is how you do it.


Sound simple right? But I bet you don’t realize everything you eat that includes sugar. Here’s the deal, no candy, no added sugar, no drinks with sugar or artificial sugar (we are detoxing, not adding chemicals to our bodies). The only sugar you ARE ALLOWED is in fruit because that is the way mother nature meant it to be (but no fruit juice! I know what you were thinking).

Drink half of your body weight in water and eat healthy otherwise. Do this for a week and you will feel better. Do this for 2 weeks and you will feel good. Do this for a month and you will say, “Sugar? What’s that?” Okay, maybe I won’t go that far but you will feel great, you will notice that food tastes sweeter and you will probably even lose a couple of pounds.

Seriously, this is the cheapest and most effective detox and you can start right now.
P.S. This is partly me talking to myself at the moment. I went crazy on chocolate the past two days (why yes I am a stress eater, thank you for noticing) and I am feeling it. Blah!