
Photographing Childhood Moments

As parents, we acknowledge that childhood goes by quickly. We are sure to capture milestones in our child’s life. We don’t want to forget when they first sit, crawl, stand or take their first steps. We love to photograph the first time they try certain foods because of the silly faces they make. We take birthday photos, first day of school pictures, last day of school photos, sport photos, prom pictures and graduation. But what about the moments in between all that? What about capturing your child’s personality?

The everyday stuff is often the stuff I love the most and forget first. SO each year I am making a point to photograph each of my children doing what they love most in that year. This helps us to remember their personality as it develops each year.

For example, my son LOVES Spiderman. He was Spiderman for Halloween for 2 years in a row and wears the costume most days of the week. He especially likes to hide the costume under his clothes to pretend to be Peter Parker. I noticed that the costume is getting very small and the fact that he will be turning 8 years old in a month, I feel like this phase of him being Spiderman may come to an end soon. So I told him that we were going to have a photoshoot of him being Peter Parker so we could hold on to this part of his everyday life. He was so excited and the photos turned out great. I am so glad that we did this and I’ve already started planning a shoot for each of my other kiddos.

I highly encourage you to try this. These parts of our kids’ childhood is often overlooked and forgotten because they are part of our every day lives. We don’t think they are special until they end and we are recalling them years later.