• Live Well

    Make Your Health A Priority

    In January, I encouraged you to take time to embrace the slow pace of the winter months and use it to make a plan for the rest of the year. Now that it is February, I hope you are recharged and ready with a plan! This month, I want to focus on taking care of yourself. At the end of January, my dad had a heart attack. And while you know your parents won’t live forever, you most likely ignore that fact (why would you want to think about something that upsetting?). My dad survived but his life has completely changed. With this in mind and my birthday this month,…

  • creating a peaceful space
    Live Well

    Create A Space of Purpose & Peace

    How do you feel about your “space”? Your space can be your home, your office, bedroom, wherever you have designated as your “hang out” spot. That is your space. When you look around your space, does it make you feel happy and at peace? Or does it make you feel frustrated, over whelmed and a little crazy? This month we are spending time setting ourselves up for success this year. One thing we need to do for this to happen is to set up our “space” for peace. When you walk into your space I want you to feel an overwhelming sense of calm and happiness. How do we create…

  • Life,  Live Well

    Embrace The Slower Pace Of Winter

    When you think of winter, you may think of snow and the cold, shorter daylight hours, the winter blues and how the season drags on longer than all the other seasons (or at least it feels that way). As much as I dread the painfully cold weather, I actually appreciate the winter season for it’s slower pace. Here’s why… I use the slower pace of winter to get inspired, make plans and get organized. I’ve notice that as soon as Spring hits, time starts to fly and my calendar is full. Before I know it we are at the end of the year and I don’t know how we got…

  • 2020
    Live Well

    Make A Plan For 2020

    There are only 2 days left in 2019! I am taking these last 2 days to decide what I want this next year to look like. I want 2020 to be a year of intention and for that I need to have a plan. Here's how...

  • Life

    Making Memories – December 2019

    This summer someone said to me, “You only have 18 summers with your kids.” They were talking about going on vacation and creating experiences and memories with our children before they go off on their own. Thinking about it like that, “18 summers”, put things in perspective for me. I have 18 Decembers with my kiddos (actually, I only have 11 left) to make memories and traditions. December is the perfect month to make special memories with or without kids. Here are some of the things we do to make this month leading up to Christmas special: Go to a Christmas Tree Farm to pick a tree – this is…

  • Do Good

    Help Fight Human Trafficking with Blue Bear Coffee Co

    I love company’s with that work for a purpose and a cause. Blue Bear Coffee Co is one such company. Below is an excerpt from their website that tells their story. Consider purchasing your next bag of coffee from this company (purchase here). Your mornings will be a little brighter knowing you are doing aiding this worthy cause to help end human trafficking. From Blue Bear Coffee Co Our story began a few weeks before Christmas in December 2017, when Bryn, Blue Bear’s founder, an ex UK Police Officer, was working for a charity investigating human trafficking in the Dominican Republic. After one particularly poignant rescue, a young girl was…

  • Life

    Making Fun Christmas Garland

    I kept seeing garland made with colored felt/wool balls. Sure I could buy a strand but that would take most of the fun away so I bought a bunch of colored wool balls. The kids LOVED them and I see us getting more for other holidays in the near future.

  • Live Well

    30 Days of Gratitude

    November is here! For a lot of people their minds are already on Christmas. Some can barely wait (or don’t) to put their Christmas tree up and start “The most wonderful time of the year”! But I am going to encourage you to pause the rush into Christmas and spend time to focus on gratitude. November leads up to Thanksgiving, so there is no better time to acknowledge all the things we are grateful for in out lives, big or small. Here’s the deal, every day this November spend a moment to write down something you are thankful for. Maybe it is your family, job, or roof over you head.…

  • Live Well

    365 Days of Personal Growth

    This weekend I came across a show where they do a mini documentary on an innovative thinker. They talk about their lives growing up, all of their accomplishments and how they got to the point they are. It was incredibly interesting and inspiring. It was also the kind of show that makes you feel like you haven’t accomplished much in your own life. Instead of getting down about that, I have decided that I want to change a few things to be more like these people I admire. It is easy to fall into a routine and once you are there you can get stuck. Routine can be great for…

  • Life

    Accomplish Your Goals & Start Living Your Dream!

    “Accomplish your goals and make your dreams come true!” Yes, I have found the secret! Well, sort of. I have found 89% of the secret. This is starting to sound like one of those really frustrating posts that promise to tell you something, then they keep dancing around the thing, so you read to the end only to find out they never tell you the thing and most often want you to pay them to tell you. This is NOT one of those posts (I hate those)! You want to know the secret to reaching your goals and dreams? Stop thinking about them and GO AFTER THEM! I am a…