• Do Good

    Your Favorite Non-Profits Need Your Help

    Normally, this time of year is filled with 5k runs, golf outings, and other events that non-profit organizations depend on to fund a portion of their mission and operations. However, like so many other things that are being affected by COVID-19, many non-profits are unable to hold these events this year. Not only are they unable to hold their events, many are having to refund registration fees and lose deposits they paid to vendors that they now have to break contracts with. While some organizations may reschedule or get creative and find a new way to fund raise, others are struggling. If you are in the position to give, I…

  • Life

    How To Help A Friend

    Have you ever had a friend who was going through something difficult and wished you knew how to help? Or maybe you were the one going through something and wish people handled it differently. Whatever the situation, here are a few ideas of how you can be there for a friend. Don’t judge. When someone is going through someone difficult, the last thing they need is someone telling them how things got bad or reiterating you don’t understand how this could happen. They also don’t want you to rattle off how you would handle the situation or that you understand what they are going through. Every person is different and…

  • MOMents

    Photographing Childhood Moments

    As parents, we acknowledge that childhood goes by quickly. We are sure to capture milestones in our child’s life. We don’t want to forget when they first sit, crawl, stand or take their first steps. We love to photograph the first time they try certain foods because of the silly faces they make. We take birthday photos, first day of school pictures, last day of school photos, sport photos, prom pictures and graduation. But what about the moments in between all that? What about capturing your child’s personality? The everyday stuff is often the stuff I love the most and forget first. SO each year I am making a point…

  • Food

    Tacos – Not Just For Tuesdays

    I don’t know about your kids but mine are not huge fans of leftovers. I am not a fan of waste. I have had to get creative when it comes to leftovers so we remain a happy family! Being able to get creative is the whole reason I love cooking. So when my kids started complaining about eating the same thing in the same week I decided to look at it as a challenge rather than get cranky about my kids’ attitudes on leftovers. My kids LOVE Taco Tuesdays! This is great because taco meat can be used so many different ways. Here are some meals I use our left…

  • Gardening
    Live Well

    Spring Garden Prep

    Spring is here! Which means it’s time to prep the garden. If you have never gardened before I urge you to give it a try. Your garden can be as big or small as you are comfortable with so don’t let the thought of a garden intimidate you. If you don’t have a lot of space or are nervous about maintaining a large garden try a container garden or small raised bed. Gardening is a great way to slow down, spend time together working as a family, enjoy the outdoors and have your hard work rewarded with fresh veggies. Garden Prep First, you need to decide the type of garden…

  • chicken and dumplings

    Home Cooking – Chicken & Dumplings

    This time when we’ve been asked to stay at home has been so good for my family (not good for my business). Since all of the kids’ activities have been cancelled for the foreseeable future, I have had time to make better meals for my family. We have not had to rush in making food or eating it and we have been enjoying it. Also, with grocery stores being overrun I have had to get creative (I like a challenge). I thought I would share some of the meals I have been making. I know I appreciate dinner ideas since I can get stuck in a rut with the same…

  • Start an emergency fund
    Life,  Money

    Starting An Emergency Fund

    If I had a theme for this blog, it would be that life doesn’t go as planned. And while we can’t control all that happens in our lives, we can learn from our experiences and experiences of others. During the most recent situation, I learned a lot about myself, my time and my habits. My goal is to not fall into the same habits and to be more intentional with my time now that I am aware of these things. One big thing I noticed was how many people panicked when they were asked to stay home from work. After 1 day of staying home, families with two working parents…

  • Live Well

    Things To Do If You Are Stuck At Home

    We have never in our lifetime known a time like this! I respect the efforts of everyone trying to stop and prevent the spread of the virus. With that said, a lot of schools are closing, events are being cancelled and people are being told to work from home. SO here we are, stuck at home…. now what?!?!? While I don’t in any way rejoice that there is a virus scare, I do want to encourage you to make the most of the little bit of extra time you may find you now have. Here are a few ways you can fill that time and beat the COVID-19 blues. Start…

  • Attitude
    Life,  Live Well

    Attitude – It’s All In How You Look At It

    Good days can be hard to come by. At times, it can seem like all we get are, at best, sub par days. There isn’t always a lot we can do to avoid bad days. Things happen that are out of our control ALL THE TIME. We can keep having rough days or we can choose to look at things differently. When I wake up in the morning, I can think about how much I don’t want to get out of bed or I can think of it as a chance to do better than the day before. I can complain about every little thing that goes wrong in my…

  • Why Me

    Why a Blog. Why Me.

    Why a blog. I am not a writer. I do not like “putting myself out there”. I love to fly under the radar and mind my own business. So I struggle with having a blog. I mean, truly, it is far easier (and safer) to go about my life and not share anything about it. But as I go through life, I often find myself searching for others who have gone through situations that I am currently going through. I am looking for advice and wisdom because I am not sure how to handle what I am going through. I want to learn from others so I don’t make terrible…