
Accomplish Your Goals & Start Living Your Dream!

“Accomplish your goals and make your dreams come true!” Yes, I have found the secret! Well, sort of. I have found 89% of the secret. This is starting to sound like one of those really frustrating posts that promise to tell you something, then they keep dancing around the thing, so you read to the end only to find out they never tell you the thing and most often want you to pay them to tell you. This is NOT one of those posts (I hate those)!

You want to know the secret to reaching your goals and dreams? Stop thinking about them and GO AFTER THEM! I am a “thinker” by nature. I have great ideas and I think about them. I write them down and elaborate on them on paper. I even tell my best friend about them and she always says they’re great but she knows they will never happen. Why? Because I am a “thinker”, not a “doer”. And that is why I will ever accomplish my goals or have my dream.

The good thing is that I know this is true about me and I can change it. I decided that this year I would be a “doer”… and it is HARD! I am an introvert and incredibly shy. There is a part of me that would be perfectly happy living entirely by myself. However, the other part of me wants to do more. But how do you go from being and introverted “thinker” to a “doer”? You push yourself out of your comfort zone. You suck it up, think a little less and start taking action. If you are a “thinker” this will be an incredibly hard thing to do because you have already thought about all the possible ways this could go wrong and embarrass yourself. And you are right. There is a small chance that you talk to the WRONG person and you feel embarrassed because they can’t understand your vision. But, there is a much bigger chance that you will talk to someone who supports your vision and even if they can’t help you accomplish it, they can direct you to someone who can. No, stepping out of your comfort zone it not easy. It is one of the hardest things you have to do in life and more than once. The thing is, the more you do it, the easier it becomes. You start to expand your comfort zone. If you do it often enough, stepping out of your comfort zone can actually be more of a thrill than a fear. You come to realize that the chance of failing is real and it is okay. You just try again. Knock on a different door. Ask for guidance. In the same way, the less you do the smaller your comfort zone becomes.

So there it is. The secret. Step out of your comfort zone, through your fear and take action towards your goals. Stop thinking and start doing. That is 89% of the secret to accomplishing anything. Want to know what the other 11% is? 10% is perseverance and hard work, 1% is luck.

How to accomplish your goals and start living your dream - Beautifully Quaint